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Ebbs and Flow


My Lief is Faren in londe    ---   Anon. 13th c.


Fair is the Rose     ---        Orlando Gibbons   


Selections from Cantigas de amigos - Martim Codax (13th c.)


Ondas do mar de Vigo 

Mandad'ey comigo 

Mha irmana fremosa treydes comygo 

Ay Deus se sab'ora meu amado 

Quantas sabedes amar amigo 

En o sagrad' e Vigo 

Ay ondas que eu vin veer 



Fantasy on “Par trop souffrir”

Par trop souffrir     ---    Thomas Crecquillon

En non saichant  ---   Josquin des Prez

Quant l’ebe muert   ---   Trouvere



and “Ardo, si, ma non t’amo” ---   Improvisational

Ardo, si, ma non t’amo     ---       Leonhard Lechner



Fantasy on “What is my Life?”  --- Improvisational

What is my life?        ---        Orlando Gibbons





Maggie Finnagen, Soprano

Julie Bosworth, Soprano

Emily Lau, alto

Christopher Preston Thompson, harp and voice

Niccolo Seligmann, viola da gamba and vielle

Peter Walker, voice and bagpipes

Brian Kay, lute and percussion

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